How to reach us:
Astrid Schwarzenberger
Phone: +49 228 3821 1659
Christin Raue
Phone: +49 228 3821 1565
The Contact Point "Women into EU Research" (in German: Frauen in die EU-Forschung, FiF) advises on all gender-related aspects within Horizon Europe.
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The Contact Point Women into EU Research (FiF) is part of the German National Contact Point (NCP) network and gives advice on the EU framework programme in effect, currently Horizon Europe. It was initiated and remains funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). FiF is part of the BMBF’s EU Bureau.
Within the NCP network, FiF’s role is to advise scientists in Germany or from Germany on any matter regarding gender and equal opportunities within Horizon Europe.
In addition to our own events, we offer talks and workshops for higher education and research institutions, usually upon invitation by means of third-party funding or equal opportunities officers. These events can be stand-alone events or be included in other advisory opportunities, such as mentoring programmes.
If you are interested in hosting such an event, please contact us. Please note that we currently only offer online events.
Information, analyses and statistics on women’s participation and gender issues in European Research Policy
Advice on the integration of the gender dimension in research and innovation content in EU projects
To learn more about our offers, please refer to our FAQ section (in German).
In our newsletter (in German), we inform our subscribers about current developments concerning gender and equal opportunities as well as about our FiF activities.
Horizon Europe is the EU’s ninth framework programme for research and innovation, and the world’s largest single funding programme for research and innovation. Gender and equality are a priority across all aspects of Horizon Europe.
What roles do gender and equality play in project funding, proposal writing and evaluation? Read our page on Gender and Equal Opportunities (in German) for more information about this topic.
For general and subject-specific information on the current European framework programme, visit the German portal on Horizon Europe.