National Contact Point European Research Council (NCP ERC)
The European Research Council (ERC) funds excellent scientists with ground-breaking research projects in the EU and Associated States. Funding is available to researchers from all over the world at various career levels.
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Welcome to the National Contact Point ERC!
This website provides information on funding from the European Research Council (ERC).
As your NCP ERC, we support you through the application process and as well as to successfully conduct your ERC project.
We inform you about the ERC in online and on-site events.
We prepare you for the interview portion of the ERC application procedure in our interview training events.
In the series "ERC Portraits" we introduce researchers and EU Liaison Officers as well as ERCEA staff and NCP ERC staff.
We provide you with the latest information on calls for applications, events and news at the ERC in our newsletter.
We inform you about current ERC developments and background information in the news section on this page.
For further advice and information, please contact us by phone or e-mail.
The National Contact Point European Research Council (NCP ERC) is jointly managed by the BMBF’s EU Bureau (located at the DLR Project Management Agency) and the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organizations (KoWi).
Overview of your contacts at the National Contact Point ERC.
The National Contact Point ERC offers a variety of events. We also keep you informed about relevant events organised by third parties.
The free e-mail newsletter of the National Contact Point ERC informs you about calls for proposals, relevant events and current developments regarding the ERC.
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