Horizon Europe and Structural Funds Synergies

Funding from Horizon Europe can be combined with other funding programmes. These can complement each other and reinforce each other's effect. The focus here lies on synergies with European Structural Funds.

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Welcome to www.EU-Synergien.de, the portal for strengthening synergies between Horizon Europe and European Structural Funds in Germany.

Horizon Europe aims to promote European competitiveness and to find answers to the greatest challenges of our time. It promotes cooperation between excellent scientists from Europe on subject-related calls for proposals.

Though Horizon Europe is the most important funding programme for research and innovation in Europe, it is not the only one – the five Structural Funds also support research and innovation to a considerable extent.

The Structural Funds aim to reduce regional differences in development within Europe and to activate each region's innovation potential. Every region – in Germany every federal state – receives structural funds from the EU to support this aim. In Germany, these funds are administered by the regional administrative authorities, specifically the federal states.

On this page you will find information on

  • what the Synergies Dialogue is and
  • who to contact.