National Contact Point European Institute of Innovation and Technology (NCP EIT)

Welcome to the NCP EIT website!

Adobe Stock /	Im Vordergrund sind mehrere schematisch dargestellte, leuchtende Personen beiderlei Geschlechts zu sehen, die durch Linien miteinander vernetzt sind. Im Hintergrund sieht man schemenhaft ausschnittsweise eine Person, die mit dem Zeigefinger das Netzwerk berührt.  A blurry person in the background points at a network of luminous schematic people of both genders in the foreground that are connected by lines. /

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is a unique EU initiative to promote innovation across Europe. It supports the development of dynamic, long-term pan-European partnerships between leading companies, research laboratories and universities. These partnerships in turn bring innovative products, processes and services to market.

The NCP EIT provides information and advice on the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as part of the German government's network of National Contact Points for the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Horizon Europe.

We support the political decision-making of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research through analysis and ideas, monitoring, evaluation and the development of recommendations for action as well as in communication. Our services also include supporting the EIT and Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) as well as advising interested stakeholders on KICs and the EIT's calls for proposals. 


The NCP EIT’s free newsletter (in German) informs subscribers about current EIT developments and calls for proposals.