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ERC Consolidator Grants 2023: Submission figures

The ERC has published first figures on proposal submissions to the ERC Consolidator 2023 (deadline 2 February 2023). According to these figures, 2,130 applications have been submitted.

The ERC has published first figures on proposal submissions to the ERC Consolidator 2023 (deadline 2 February 2023).

According to these figures, 2,130 applications have been submitted. This is a decrease of 4.1 per cent compared to the 2022 call (2,222 submissions).

Most applications were submitted in the domain Physical Sciences and Engineering (881), followed by Social Sciences and Humanities (635) and Life Sciences (614).

Female scientists submitted 35.7 per cent of the applications (2022 call: 36.6 per cent).

For the Consolidator Grants 2023, 595 million euro are earmarked for an estimated 300 grants. The selected projects are expected to be announced in December 2023.

ERC press release