New Template for CV and Track Record
Im Zuge der Anpassung der Evaluationspraxis hat der ERC für die Darstellung von CV und Track Record das B1-Antragstemplate angepasst. Für CV und Track Record gibt es nunmehr ein Template.
Im Zuge der Anpassung der Evaluationspraxis hat der ERC für die Darstellung von CV und Track Record das B1-Antragstemplate angepasst. Für CV und Track Record gibt es nunmehr ein Template.
Following the adaptation of evaluation practices, the ERC has revised the section on CV and track record of the B1-application template.The new integrated template for CV and Track Record has sections for Personal Details, i.e.. qualifications and career, as well as for Research Achievements and Peer Recognition and provides room for Additional Information. For showcasing the Research Achievements and Peer Recognition there is more flexibility and room for explanations allowing for a broad assessment of the applicant. Under Additional Information, applicants have the opportunity to give information on career breaks or unconventional career paths that provide evaluators with context for assessing research achievements. Excellence remains the sole criterion. These changes correspond with the EU-wide efforts towards reforming research assessment.