Starting Grant 2023: Call results published
On 5 September 2023, the ERC published the results of the Starting Grant Call 2023. With a budget of €628 million, 400 projects will be funded in this round.
On 5 September 2023, the ERC published the results of the Starting Grant Call 2023. With a budget of €628 million, 400 projects will be funded in this round.
On 5 September 2023, the ERC published the results of the Starting Grant Call 2023. With a budget of €628 million, 400 projects will be funded in this round. The success rate is 14.8%. A total of 87 ERC Starting Grants will go to German institutions, followed by institutions from France (50 grants), the Netherlands (44 grants) and the UK (32 grants). Among the researchers from a total of 44 countries, German applicants are again strongly represented (66 grants), followed by Italians (57 grants), French (32 grants) and British (24 grants). The proportion of funded female scientists has risen to 43%. The target group of the Starting Grant are promising young researchers (2 - 7 years after the PhD) at the beginning of their independent career.
The ERC press release, further statistics and the list of funded projects can be found on the ERC website.