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Tech To Market (T2M) training programme of the European Innovation Council (EIC) partially open to ERC PoC Grantees

The European Innovation Council (EIC) will offer several training events in 2024, which will also be open to ERC PoC grantees.

The European Innovation Council (EIC) will offer several training events in 2024, which will also be open to ERC PoC grantees. The training sessions are aimed at innovative deep-tech researchers seeking support in the commercial exploitation of their research outputs or in setting up a company. Participants are accompanied by successful entrepreneurs and experts from the field of entrepreneurship. Due to the high demand, participants are sometimes selected after registration. In some cases, participation is only possible as a team. The training courses are mainly free of charge. Registration is currently still possible for the following events:

  • 12 and 16 February 2024: T2M Innovation Discovery Training for a basic understanding of how to use scientific output to found a company.
  • 18 March 2024: Start of the eight-week intensive course "EIC T2M Business Validation Programme" for developing and testing business models with the help of design thinking.
  • 13 March to 10 July 2024: EIC Pioneer Programme for innovative researchers. The programme consists of group exercises and individual coaching.

An overview of all current training events offered within the T2M programme can be found here.

The official page of the T2M programme can be found on the EIC website: Tech to Market Programme (T2M) - European Commission (europa.eu)